“When the forces of conservation and industrialization within a common society compete head to head, the only entity that can regulate the fight is the fantastic measuring contraption known as the Envirometer [...] the only hope to unite the opposing viewpoints and create a progressive world where everyone can live in harmony.” A sustainable short film produced at Make LLC. and directed by Danny Robashkin. Illustrations: Aaron Quist and Alec Mueller. Written by: Colin Levy and Danny Robashkin. Animation: Aaron Quist, Andrew Chesworth, Joe Kim, Kevin Wisdom, Tyson Ibele. Sound design: Horner Music. |
“Quando le forze dell’ambientalismo e dell’industrializzazione nella comune società competono testa a testa, l’unico in grado di arbitrare il combattimento è il fantastico ammenicolo noto come Envirometer (Ambientometro) [...] l’unica speranza di riunire le fazioni opposte e creare un mondo progressista in cui vivere in armonia tutti assieme.” Un corto sostenibile prodotto presso Make LLC. e diretto da Danny Robashkin. Illustrazioni: Aaron Quist ed Alec Mueller. Scritto da: Colin Levy e Danny Robashkin. Animazione: Aaron Quist, Andrew Chesworth, Joe Kim, Kevin Wisdom, Tyson Ibele. Progetto del suono: Horner Music. |
DOWNLOAD (720×405): Scarica Envirometer in alta risoluzione.
[Format: MPEG-4 - Size: 161 MB - Running Time: 5 min.]
DOWNLOAD (720×405): Scarica Envirometer in alta risoluzione.
[Format: Ogg Video - Size: 45 MB - Running Time: 5 min.]
DOWNLOAD (720×405): Scarica Envirometer più compresso.
[Format: MPEG-4 - Size: 50 MB - Running Time: 5 min.]
WATCH (ALT.): Guarda Envirometer su Vimeo.
[Format: Flash Video]
LINK: Visita Make LLC..
LINK: Visita Colin Levy.
LINK: Visita Aaron Quist.
LINK: Visita Alec Mueller.
LINK: Visita Aaron Dabelow.
LINK: Visita Andrew Chesworth.
LINK: Visita Joe Kim.
LINK: Visita Tyson Ibele.
LINK: Visita Emory Allen.
LINK: Visita Horner Music.